Hair health is affected by several main factors top 3 being hair follicle health Blood flow to the scalp.
Collagen and keratin production.
Our mdf potion addresses all these issues.
Who’s this treatment for?
for anyone who is suffering with hair loss or thinning of the hair, that is not contraindicated or has
hair loss caused by certain factors.
Our Million Dollar hair potion is a Potent scalp and hair conditioning treatment to help support
improved blood flow, capillary health and healthy hair growth. It provides the scalp and hair with
multi nutrients to support stronger hair and stem cells, whilst working at a micro and cellular level.
The focus and results come from the microneedling which cause the production of collagen. This is
necessary for maintaining healthy hair follicles. Whilst microneedling promotes collagen production
in the scalp just like it does on the face, it also brings blood flow and nutrients to the scalp and
induces new stem cells that support hair growth.
Supported by our hair homecare ritual this can lead to unbelievable results.
Active Ingredients…
Aeschylus hippocatanum seed extract
Pisum sativum sprout extract
Panax ginsegcallus
Biotinoyl tripeptides
Pre-Treatment Advise:
Unfortunately, if you have no hair, complete baldness or baldness in certain area's it's not the treatment for you.
The following conditions could also lead to hair loss as well as their age, genetics, lifestyle and diet.
Male pattern baldness
Female pattern baldness
scalp psoriasis (due to scratching of the scalp)
alopecia areata
thyroid conditions
eating disorders (due to poor nutrition)
iron deficiency anaemia
hair pulling disorder, known as trichotillomania
Celiac disease
Certain medications can lead to hair loss. Examples include:
chemotherapy and radiation treatments
blood thinners (anticoagulants)
medications used to treat high blood pressure
isotretinoin (Accutane), an acne treatment.
Aftercare Advise:
We advise client use the glycolic wash to wash the scalp between treatments, the medi+ Hydrating elixir serum to keep the scalp hydrated and also the regenerate cosmeceutical cocktail.
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